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- 时间:2024-10-10 14:09:17
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你好,让我来吧,我是高中的英语老师 译文如下 AbstractDomestic violence occurs in the violence between family members Growing domestic violence against the victim#39s physical and mental health, violated the legal rights of victims, the destruction of social stability and development, has;Tha shooting name is wayne 射手的名字叫韦尔 The victim didn’t complain, she just screamed shoot again受害者没有多说怨言,她只是尖叫着祈求不要另一次射击I gave her extra rounds My barrel twist around我又给了她一发,枪膛转一圈 I am Mr shoot ’em down I leave hearts;abuse Abuse of someone is cruel and violent treatment of them 虐待,凌辱 例句 victims of sexual and physical abuse 遭受性虐待和肉体摧残的受害者 wind up If you wind up in a particular place, situation, or state, you are in it at the end of a series;help the victims of natural disasters支援自然灾害受害者 donate whatever they can倾囊相助 help their needy fellow citizens 帮助有需要的同胞 be ready to give a helping hand 随时准备伸出援手 When we use the word quotlovequot, we do not simply mean an attraction to a person of the opposite sex。
在商业领域,索赔可能涉及产品质量问题例如,如果消费者购买了一个有缺陷的产品,并因此遭受了损失,他可以向制造商或销售商提出索赔,要求其赔偿损失在这种情况下,索赔可能涉及退货换货修理或提供经济补偿等在法律领域,索赔通常涉及诉讼或仲裁程序例如,在人身伤害案件中,受害者可以向责任方;因与缪斯比赛音乐落败而被缪斯拔去双翅,使之无法飞翔失去翅膀后的塞壬只好在小亚细亚Asia Minor和巴尔干半岛Balkan Pen一带的海岸线附近游弋,而也有一部分的塞壬是因为原先是十分恐怖的海怪演变进化而来的也正是如此,那一带海域早已堆满了受害者的白骨塞壬居住的小岛位于墨西拿海峡附近。
He found a group of cannibals on his island2我帮他杀死了食人族I helped him kill the cannibals3在那之后不久,我看到一些食人族试图杀死两个从一艘破船上下来的人Not long after that, I saw some cannibals 4他面临着使食人族生活更加复杂的问题,那就是一个受害者不能被反复使用;生化危机恶化是生化危机系列中的第一部完全由CGI动画制作的电影,它满足了粉丝们最喜爱的事物一个迷人的女主角主导着紧张的枪战,一个充满阴谋论和政府两面派的复杂情节,以及一支渴望人肉的瘟疫受害者组成的军队与真人实拍电影相比,CGI动画允许更加生动和血腥的场景,而电影的情节跟随英雄克莱尔·。